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12 Reasons Why You Should Donate to NC-LAC

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The North Carolina Legislative Action Committee (NC-LAC) is a committee of Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national not-for-profit educational and resource organization dedicated to fostering vibrant, competent, harmonious, community associations.  NC-LAC is dedicated to monitoring and influencing legislation that affects community associations in North Carolina.  NC-LAC is proactive in introducing and advocating for legislation that is beneficial to Community Associations and is active in opposing legislation that may have an adverse impact on Community Associations.

NC-LAC has influenced legislation affecting many aspects of the Planned Community Act and Condominium Act, including covenant enforcement, elections, board meetings, assessment collection, etc.  Following are 12 strong reasons why you should donate to NC-LAC.

1.  Your donation gives you voice.  NC-LAC's legislative advocacy efforts are entirely dependent upon the opinions and experience of the industry's professionals and homeowners.  NC-LAC serves the interests of approximately 3,000,000 people who live in and work with Community Associations in the state of North Carolina.  NC-LAC communicates with legislators and other elected and appointed officials, and NC-LAC members educate government officials about the concerns of Common Interest Developments (CIDs) through letters, phone calls and personal visits.

2. NC-LAC is dedicated to monitoring and influencing legislation that affects common interest developments in North Carolina.  NC-LAC researches and reviews proposed legislation and takes positions on bills affecting Community Associations.  NC-LAC reviews and tracks bills related to Community Associations in North Carolina throughout the year.

3. NC-LAC meets regularly with lawmakers to help advance issues.  NC-LAC educates and visits with lawmakers, legislative and executive staff, and other organizations, and testifies before legislative bodies.  

4.  NC-LAC is NOT a PAC (Political Action Committee) and does not give money to legislators or their campaigns. NC-LAC operates solely from contributions made by North Carolina members of CAI and other donations.

5.  NC-LAC provides immediate action alerts and input on bills that affect Community Associations. NC-LAC's input on breaking issues enhances its ability to effectively influence the formulation and outcome of public policy. Additionally, NC-LAC provides timely information on bills related to Community Associations

6.  NC-LAC organizes "grass roots" letters, emails and phone communications with legislators regarding important Community Association-related issues and proposed laws.

7.  NC-LAC exercises members' constitutional right to participate in the political process.  NC-LAC builds important relationships with government officials and develops a network of peers that will benefit the CID community and profession.

8.   See this flyer for a quick overview and donation options, including the Dollar a Door or More program. Giving may be easiest online.

9.  It is legal for Community Association boards to donate money from the assessments collected.  The board may spend community funds on protecting the association and its owners by supporting constructive - and opposing offensive - state legislation.

10. Donations are for LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY, NOT POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS.  NC-LAC expenses include printing and mailing information to CAI members and NC-LAC contributors, lobbyist fees and administrative services; providing legislative information to the NC-LAC volunteers and more.

11. Senate and Assembly Committees often ask our advocate (lobbyist) for input as housing legislation is proposed and debated. 

12. NC-LAC has become the recognized resource for providing accurate, timely and influential input to North Carolina legislators.  NC-LAC is comprised of representatives from three CAI membership categories:  Volunteer Leaders (i.e., homeowners, board members); Business Partners (e.g., attorneys, developers, reserve analysts, contractors, accountants, insurance representatives, etc.) and Community Association Managers.  This provides a diverse perspective on how bills may impact Community Associations.


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